Project details
Throughout this project demonstration sites were set up for farmers to enable them to engage with grassland management methods. Examples of demo plot themes included establishing white clover (methods, percentage clover measurements and conversion to financial savings) and slurry use efficiency (benefits of accurate application, methods of application and avoidance of over application).
A grassland field guide for farmers
Download Soil Smart and Nutrient Wise
Click here to see the Erratum of the Soil Smart Nutrient Wise Handbook
As a legacy to the project, the British Grassland Society has produced a field guide entitled ‘Soil smart and nutrient wise – a guide for on-farm practice’. The book is going to be available from Tuesday 1st October 2013.
The guide is unique in that it takes the reader through the on-farm practical tips in line with the seasons. First, it outlines the basics in grassland management including soil structure and texture, how to assess soils, the role of water, the key nutrients, and the importance of analysing manures. Chapter two highlights the things the farmer should be doing in the winter months, what needs to be thought about and prepared, such as assessing pastures or thinking about a nutrient management plan. The next chapter looks at early spring when the soil and air temperatures should be starting to warm up, the next set of jobs to be done and the preparation that needs to take place. This is followed by the spring surge or post magic day when the guide provides tips for farmers to make the most of the spring growth. A summer chapter looks into poaching, fertiliser and manure application and the benefits of clovers in the sward. Next is preparing for winter when the soil is vulnerable to damage during harvest.
The last section of the book is also what makes this book so distinctive. It describes to farmers how to do their own on-farm trials to find the best practices of soil maintenance and repair, nutrient application, and plant types used in leys that suit their fields and the environmental issues that need to be considered. Also in the appendix are step-by-step instructions of farmer-led demonstrations to aid them in running their own trials and to use the information developed during the Nutrient Wise Demo project.
Nutrient Wise Demo 2013
Soil chemistry and nutrient planning
This demonstration looked at soil chemistry and nutrient planning for grassland following the wettest year on record. In the afternoon it also looked at soil structure and compaction.
Download the soil chemistry information sheet here
Download the nutrient planning information sheet here
Download the soil structure sheet here
Nutrient Wise 2012 Satellite Demo sites
Dorset mini demonstration site
This demonstration aims to show the affect of chemical topping using round-up at varying rates to suppress grass growth and allow over seeding via direct drilling.
Download information sheet here
Soil Chemistry and Grassland Liming
This demonstration aims to discus the importance of liming grassland and look at which products are the most cost effective.
Download information sheet here
Options for grassland reseeding
This demonstration aims to discuss the decision making process of when to reseed a grass ley.
Download information sheet here
For more information from the 2012 events including all the technical information sheets, click on the events material button on the right hand side of the page.
Events material for 2013
March 2013
Following the wettest year on record, Nutrient Wise Demos held an event looking at soil chemistry, structure and comaction and nitrogen planning.
Events material for 2012
June 2012 – green compost opportunities
On the 6th June, Nutrient Wise Demos held an event looking at green compost opportunities and their potential in terms of nutrient content and organic matter. The event was held at their main site in Devon, where demos had been set up applying the different materials to field scale plots that were due to be cut for second cut silage. The materials applied included green / food waste compost at two application rates (22t/ha and 12t/ha) alongside cattle FYM at 9t/ha and broiler litter at 4t/ha. Soil organic matter was analysed in the plots prior to the manure applications and will be retested later in the season to assess the effect of the compost and manures on soil organic matter level.
As well as the spreading plots there were also samples of green compost, digestate, sewage sludge and green plus food waste compost. Discussions ensued on the availability of these materials in the SW as well as nutrient availability and their suitability for use on grassland.
Using organic manures for 2nd cut grass silage
The importance of soil organic matter
Click here to see some photos from the event
May 2012 demo event
Options for grassland reseeding
Establishing white clover in grass swards to save on Nitrogen fertiliser
Events material for 2011
September 2011 demo event
Demo looking at the importance of soil structure and how to assess soils for compaction
Click here to see some photos of the event.